Types of Projects This Fund Will Support
- May I ask if you support carbon capture project?
- I’m working clean cooking stove for carbon credit. Do you support for such kind of project?
- I would like to submit an application on women’s empowerment and women-led MSME business for digital inclusion and access to finance. Would my proposal on women led business and social development be eligible for this grant?
Yes, you are eligible to apply.
- Will you support E-waste collection and recycling projects?
- I am running Agri-Tech smart technology startup providing a fully integrated IoT and Mobile Application platform to help Farmers reduce irrigation costs, increase crop yields and mitigate against adverse weather and climate conditions. We registered in Cambodia, is it eligible to apply?
Yes, you are eligible to apply. However, kindly note that the Fund is oriented towards supporting already-established entities to scale. You must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project. Two years of financial statements are not required but highly preferred to demonstrate the capacity to handle funds. The strength of past performance evaluations and evidence of financial capabilities will be considered during the evaluation to assess risk and project potential.
- Our company, a 100% Myanmar-owned entity, is focused on expanding sustainable honey production and processing technologies. Can the grant funding in Track 1 or Track 2 be used for investments in automated processing equipment, eco-friendly packaging solutions, and other sustainable agriculture technologies to enhance our honey supply chain?
Yes. You will need to clearly demonstrate how this will benefit urban stakeholders.
- Could a Vietnamese entity apply for Smart Sustainable Transportation?
Yes. In your application, clearly describe your proposed project, why it is needed, and how you plan to scale in Vietnam. To clarify, you cannot apply to the USASCP Smart Sustainable Transportaion program. You will need propose your own transportation project under BIF 2.
- You have mentioned AI, can you please repeat the scope for using AI in a certain project? Thanks.
There is not a specific scope for AI under this award. Please explain how you will use AI as an innovation to address the foals of the Fund (i.e. net-zero/low carbon solutions and sustainable market solutions to address urban challenges)
The answer to all of these questions is yes, as long as there is a clear rationale connecting the interventions to the goals of the Fund, i.e. net-zero/low carbon solutions and sustainable market solutions to address urban challenges.
Funding Amounts
- In track 2, how much will each Singapore entity and ASEAN entity get from the grants? Does each entity still receive minimum of 200,000 USD to 400,000 USD?
ASEAN entities are eligible to receive awards ranging from U.S. $200,000-$400,000. Eligible expenses for the Singaporean entity will be funded by Enterprise Singapore; award amounts will not be posted publicly.
- Will track 2 will receive more funding than track 1? ASEAN entities applying to both Track 1 and Track 2 are eligible for awards ranging from $200,000-$400,000. If an ASEAN entity partners with a Singaporean company under track 2, the project is eligible to receive additional funding as Enterprise Singapore will fund eligible expenses listed on the Singaporean Partner’s section of the application.
- How much is the additional funding from Enterprise Singapore?
Enterprise Singapore will evaluate each application and award funding on a case-by-case basis; award amounts will not be posted publicly.
- Will you fund more ASEAN entities (track 1) over the Singapore entities (track 2)?
We hope to award 8-12 grants under Track 1 and 3-4 grants under Track 2, dependent on the application pool. For Track 2 ASEAN entities will apply jointly with Singapore entities; ASEAN entities are eligible to apply to both Track 1 and Track 2.
- Can I find my own Singapore partner? Instead of from the matching in the Enterprise Singapore website?
Yes, the Partner Matching platform is to facilitate ASEAN and Singaporean entities searching for and establishing partnerships.
Fund Eligibility
51% ASEAN Ownership/Registration and SAM Accounts
- I am still unclear what is meant by 51% ASEAN ownership. Is an international NGO, with a branch or mission registered in an ASEAN country eligible then?
Yes, an International NGO, with a branch or mission registered in an ASEAN country is eligible. The organization must be vested in the ASEAN country in which they are based. Selected awardees will need to provide proof of registration in an ASEAN country prior to receiving funds.
- In the Eligibility section, it said “Eligible applicants for the application are ASEAN entities, a legally registered ASEAN company, NGO, and/or university in an ASEAN Member State (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam) with at least 51% ASEAN ownership.” Does the 51% ASEAN ownership apply for universities only or all applicants?
The 51% applies to all applicants in a consortium.
- Does the 51% ownership criteria ownership apply for a legally registered company?
Yes, the company must be registered in an ASEAN country and have 51% ASEAN ownership.
- In track 1, 51% ASEAN ownership means the company only should be registered in ASEAN, the company founders/owners can be foreigners, right?
Yes, company owners/founders may be foreigners as long as 51% ownership is held within ASEAN.
- Can a private company apply under an ASEAN country and register as an ASEAN entity?
The applicant must already be registered in the ASEAN region and must have 51% ownership in order to meet the eligibility criteria.
- Is an INGO – with missions registered in ASEAN countries – eligible under the 51% of ASEAN ownership criteria?
The registered missions must have tax and bank documents with an ASEAN mailing address in order to be eligible.
- Regarding the consortium being ASEAN-owned, we have local entities that are over 51% ASEAN owned, some of which have SAM accounts — however, moving funds out of those countries to other consortium partners would be difficult. If we used a fiscal sponsor, would the fiscal sponsor outside of ASEAN but with SAM account, would it have to be 51% ASEAN-owned?
All parties receiving/handline funds must have a SAM.gov account. If the implementing hubs/fiscal sponsor is in ASEAN, with over 51% ASEAN ownership, and able to obtain a UEI, they are eligible for funding under BIF 2.0.
- Sorry to ask again, please can you confirm if all companies under Track 1 should get UEI from SAM.GOV?
All entities must be able to obtain a UEI from SAM.gov. Obtaining a UEI is free.
- You say in your Track 1 RFP that “In order to be eligible to receive an award, all ASEAN organizations receiving U.S. Government funding must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number”. We are an INGO registered in an ASEAN country. But our INGO only has one UEI number (at HQ level), which covers all the missions under our INGO. This means that the missions registered in ASEAN countries do not have their own UEI number. Are we still eligible?
If the final ASEAN registered entity receiving the funds is ineligible to obtain a UEI, they are in eligible to receive USG funding. If using the HQ UEI, you would not be eligible to receive USG funding. Obtaining a UEI is free at SAM.gov.
- We have a Regional Center for Asia– can we submit a proposal for Philippines and Cambodia, or should we submit separate proposals for each country?
If the proposed project will be implemented across multiple sites including Filipino partner and a Cambodian partner, one proposal should be submitted. If two separate, unrelated projects are being implemented at different sites, then each one should have its own proposal: one proposal for the Philippines and one proposal for Cambodia. However, an entity is only allowed to submit one application as the lead partner, therefore you will have to choose one of the two projects to move forward with as the lead.
Eligibility of Government Funded Entities
- Are local government units eligible to submit proposals?
Government agencies are not eligible to receive funding under this call. Only businesses, non-government organizations, and academic institutions may apply. However, we welcome city collaboration and letter of support for the application.
- Referring to the eligibility for Track 1, can a research institute (non-profit organization under government) apply for this call?
Government agencies are not eligible to receive funding under this call. Only businesses, non-government organizations, and academic institutions may apply.
- It’s mentioned the fund is not available for local government. However, if a university is a public university or public research center, is it available to apply for fund?
Any institutions receiving payment or financial assistance from the local or federal government are ineligible to apply. Only businesses, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions may apply.
- Is the public Science and Technology Research Institute eligible to submit an application?
If the Science and Technology Research Institute is receiving financial assistance from the government, it is not eligible to apply for this grant.
- We, as lecturers in various fields of science at an ASEAN university, plan to propose a proposal to the BIF, are we eligible? Does our proposal fall into the individual or consortium category?
You can submit the application under the university’s name, and identify the team members, their respective faculties/schools, and their roles/contributions. Additionally, please identify who will be the leader/project coordinator.
Eligibility of Government Funded Entities
- Are local government units eligible to submit proposals?
Government agencies are not eligible to receive funding under this call. Only businesses, non-government organizations, and academic institutions may apply. However, we welcome city collaboration and letter of support for the application.
- Referring to the eligibility for Track 1, can a research institute (non-profit organization under government) apply for this call?
Government agencies are not eligible to receive funding under this call. Only businesses, non-government organizations, and academic institutions may apply.
- It’s mentioned the fund is not available for local government. However, if a university is a public university or public research center, is it available to apply for fund?
Any institutions receiving payment or financial assistance from the local or federal government are ineligible to apply. Only businesses, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions may apply.
- Is the public Science and Technology Research Institute eligible to submit an application?
If the Science and Technology Research Institute is receiving financial assistance from the government, it is not eligible to apply for this grant.
- We, as lecturers in various fields of science at an ASEAN university, plan to propose a proposal to the BIF, are we eligible? Does our proposal fall into the individual or consortium category?
You can submit the application under the university’s name, and identify the team members, their respective faculties/schools, and their roles/contributions. Additionally, please identify who will be the leader/project coordinator.
Collaboration with Non-ASEAN Entities
- Is my organization eligible to apply for funding under Track 1 if the proposed project involves collaborative research with a Japanese company?
Yes, your organization is still eligible to apply. However, the Japanese company will not be funded directly.
- If I include a Japanese co-research partner in my application, what additional documents are required, and how would the application process differ from that of an individual applicant?
A Japanese partner is welcome, and their role should be outlined in the application narrative and accompanied by a letter of support describing their role/contribution to the project. Please note the Japanese partner is not eligible to receive funding.
- If I recall correctly, U.S. Universities can partner in these projects and receive the funds. Is that right?
Non-ASEAN entities will not be funded directly. However, they can still form part of an application and benefit indirectly depending on the position of the awarded ASEAN applicant. U.S. entities are ineligible from receiving this funding. If U.S. entities are part of the program, they are expected to provide their services in-kind.
- Our Mekong partners are working on “Smart Cities Business Innovation Fund 2.0 : U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership.” They are expecting MSU faculty with expertise that is essential to the proposed project to be involved in those projects. I was wondering whether such projects can spend their budget for the U.S. faculty time. I could not find this info therefore asking.
U.S. entities are ineligible from receiving this funding. If U.S. entities are part of the program, they are expected to provide their services in-kind.
- Under Track 1, I understand that all members of the consortium have to be ASEAN entities (>= 51% ASEAN ownership). However, are there any eligibility rules that subcontractors engaged by the consortium have to adhere to? For instance, an eligible ASEAN entity applies for Track 1 and for their project, they wish to engage a subcontractor (not ASEAN entity) to do some works. The subcontractor is not listed as a member of the consortium. Are there any restrictions on this?
Subcontractors and/or sub-grantees from non-ASEAN member states are eligible to participate but will not be funded directly.
- If I have a U.S. partner, does the U.S. partner also need to fill in a separate application? Or they will be mainly included in the Joint Narrative for the application?
Non-ASEAN partners do not need to complete a separate application. Instead, they should be included in the Joint Narrative and should provide a letter of support outlining their contribution to the project. Note that non-ASEAN partners cannot directly receive grant funding, yet they may benefit indirectly should an ASEAN company be directly funded.
Submitting More Than One Application
- Can we apply to both tracks?
No, you may only submit an application to one track.
- An organization can only submit one application. Is it okay for an organization to not lead – but be a partner on multiple applications?
An organization is only allowed to lead one application, but can form part of the consortium on multiple applications.
- We are an INGO, with missions in multiple ASEAN countries. Can the INGO be a Consortium partner (not lead) in multiple submissions? The submissions are for different countries.
Yes, an organization is only allowed to lead one application but can form part o a consortium on multiple applications.
- Can a Co-PI be in more than one projects?
The Principal Investigator (PI) only be the lead in one (1) application, but can form part of the consortium on multiple applications.
- Can the same UEI number apply in two submissions: one as the consortium lead and the other as a consortium partner?
Yes, one UEI number may only submit one application as the lead applicant/partner but can form part of the consortium on multiple applications.
Past Performance Requirements
- Please elaborate more on the required past performance evaluations. Does that refer to any similar past project?
Yes, we are interested to learn about your past urban projects and how you accomplished your objectives. Please submit internal or external project evaluation documents, if available.
- Can a recently incorporated company (employee less than 10) apply for the fund? Our partner in Singapore and ASEAN will be a well-established entity.
Yes, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Note that you must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project.
- Is the company established for 5 years eligible joining?
Yes, newly established companies are eligible to apply as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Note that you must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable to implement your project.
- Re (2) Performance Evaluations: do you mean that the applying project leader should submit his performance evaluations from his academic unit?
We do not require individual evaluations. Rather, the CVs/resumes of the project team members are requested. Evaluations on past projects, ideally urban-related projects, are requested to demonstrate past performance and organizational capacity.
- Am I still eligible to apply if I don’t have any similar past performance evaluation?
You must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project. Note that this Fund is looking to support existing entities with a track record of performance to scale. Without adequate proof of performance, we may be unable to consider applications. Two years of financial statements are not required but highly preferred to demonstrate the capacity to handle funds. The strength of past performance evaluations and evidence of financial capabilities will be considered during the evaluation to assess risk and project potential.
- My business is newly registered– am I still required to provide a past performance evaluation template?
You must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project. Note that this Fund is looking to support existing entities with a track record of performance to scale. Without adequate proof of performance, we may be unable to consider applications. Two years of financial statements are not required but highly preferred to demonstrate the capacity to handle funds. The strength of past performance evaluations and evidence of financial capabilities will be considered during the evaluation to assess risk and project potential.
- For the track-record of my recent startup company, may I submit evaluations of the technology project that I have been working on at university? I could have incorporated the company long time ago, but I have been staying at university to further derisk the technology. But I believe external grant, such as BIF, will be the perfect opportunity for me to start detaching myself from the university. Is this ok?
You must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project. Note that this Fund is looking to support existing entities with a track record of performance to scale. Without adequate proof of performance, we may be unable to consider applications. Two years of financial statements are not required but highly preferred to demonstrate the capacity to handle funds. The strength of past performance evaluations and evidence of financial capabilities will be considered during the evaluation to assess risk and project potential.
- [Brand name] is a spin-off technology created by a recent materials engineering graduate of the University of the Philippines. The inventor is no longer connected with the academic institution but the company that would have [Brand name] reproduced and distributed is not yet in existence. [Brand name] recently won 1st prize in the Swiss Innovation Price 2024 and was strongly encouraged to register as a company as soon as possible. My question is, for any of the tracks (1 and 2), can the company registration be included in the ask? And will you allow a group that is currently in limbo between just graduating from university and setting up the registered company.
The fund is unable to support start-up operations such as company registration and is oriented towards supporting already-established entities to scale.
- In Track 1, can the grant funding be used for CapEx?
Yes, for both Track 1 and Track 2 funding can be used for capital expenditures.
- Is an Agri-Tech startup eligible to apply?
Yes, so long as they meet the eligibility requirements of a legally registered ASEAN entity with 51% ASEAN ownership and clearly demonstrate relevance to the goals of the Fund, i.e. net-zero/low carbon solutions and sustainable market solutions to address urban challenges. However, kindly note that the Fund is oriented towards supporting already-established entities to scale. You must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project. Two years of financial statements are not required but highly preferred to demonstrate the capacity to handle funds. The strength of past performance evaluations and evidence of financial capabilities will be considered during the evaluation to assess risk and project potential.
- Can cooperative company limited apply for this grant?
Yes, as long as the cooperative company does not receive funding from the government, it is eligible to apply.
- Can entrepreneur students, who have a good planet-friendly product, partner with an existing ASEAN fair trade social enterprise to jump start the venture and apply for funding under this grant?
Yes, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Note that you must provide documentation and/or history to demonstrate your capacity and that of your team, if applicable, to implement your project.
- What is the company size acceptable for the fund?
The application is open to micro, small, and medium enterprises (up to 249 employees).
- ASEAN includes Singapore, so for a 100% Singapore entity – could it apply under Track1 only?
Yes, a Singaporean entity can apply for Track 1 on its own.
- We are a Singapore based company in sustainability (specifically, urban waste management solutions). As a Singapore company, do we qualify as ASEAN entity and can apply in Track 1 of BIF 2.0?
Yes, a Singaporean entity can apply for Track 1.
Proposal Templates
- Do you give the proposal format?
The Request for Proposals for Track 1 and Track 2 outline the elements you must include in your proposal narrative and the formatting guidelines. You can also access application resources including the budget and past performance templates on the application landing page.
- Regarding the budgeting, do you have available list of cost norms to refer to?
Please refer to the budget template in the application documents, which contains a breakdown of costs you must report, and use the cost norms of the implementation location.
- Can the total program cost exceed the requested fund amount? I.e., (requested fund + cost sharing are more than $400,000)
Yes, you will not factor in your cost share (for example in-kind labor) into your requested funds, but it should be included in your overall budget.
- Do we have to submit Supporting Documents in Detailed Budgeting’s Cost Items together with the application package? Or can we submit them later after being granted the fund?
An itemized budget is required at the time of application. Please refer to the application templates.
- Regarding the requested official permission letters– would an official letter from our unit director suffice?
- Is the land or office building contribution included in the in-kind contribution?
- What kind of requirements do we need to show for the financial requirements?
For the detailed budget and budget justification narrative, you need to describe expected staff salaries, hardware/software related costs, professional services, intellectual property, certifications, cost-sharing, and other anticipated costs. You will also need to complete the budget summary table in the resources section.
- For the cost sharing portion, how will it work? Can it be in the form of in-kind?
Yes, cost-sharing can include in-kind and non-financial assistance. Please describe these cost-sharing activities and their estimated value in your application.
Contracting, Disbursements, and Reporting
- Is there any audit before we get the funding? If so, how will it work?
If the applicant organization has an audit from the past two years available, it should be provided upon notice of the award. However, a formal audit is not compulsory. For selected awardees who do not have an audit available, we require the organization’s financial reports from the past two years prior to receiving the award.
- The call for proposals mentioned cost sharing (15-30%). Do we have to report on this cost sharing?
You will need to include the cost share in the proposed budget, explain the type of cost sharing (ex: equipment, sponsorships, in-kind labor, etc.), and provide a valuation of the contribution. For example, the cost share is in-kind labor you will need to list the hourly billable rate times the number of hours contributed times the number of people donating their time. Cost sharing should also be included in financial reports from grantees.
- How will the winning projects receive the funding? Will it be transferred in USD? And is there any tax deduction?
The fund is normally transferred in USD. It depends on the recipient’s bank account as the money will be converted into local currency if it is not a USD account. We consider this fund as a grant under the condition that the private entity shows the reporting of at least 30% co-funding. Thus, it should not be subjected to tax/VAT. However, this must consider the governing law of the recipient. With the exception of private entities in Thailand, we will need to withhold 3% tax from the payment. The withholding tax will be reported to the Thai Revenue Department.
- Regarding the cost-sharing, the question was for the reporting stage. Are we expected to report on the co-funding we are bringing into this project? Or will we only report on the funds received under this?
You will need to report on cost-sharing as well.
- What is the flow of funding? Do we need to incur the cost first and then submit a reimbursement? Or is it advanced funding?
15% of the budget will provided upfront. The remaining tranches of funding will be released on a milestone basis negotiated between SEI and the awardees.
- In terms of monetary disbursement, is the funding paid out to one entity (lead applicant, for example) or to all consortium partners individually? And if paid out individually, do all entities need to have a SAM account?
The payment will only be made to the lead applicant who signs the subgrant agreement with SEI.
- Is there is a timeline or deadline for utilizing the funds?
The period of performance for the project should be no less than 24 months and no more than 36 months.
- You mentioned during the information session that applications should demonstrate how they plan to scale up. Can you please clarify what you mean by this? At which level?
We are looking for evidence of whether the project designed to have lasting impacts beyond the grant period. Will the benefits be sustained after project completion? Does the project build local capacity (skills, systems, knowledge) to ensure sustainability beyond the initial investment? Are there any multiplier effects of the project, where success in one area leads to positive impacts in other areas? Can this project be easily replicated or scaled to other urban areas with similar challenges?
- Can you explain track 1 and track 2?
Track 1 is for ASEAN entities and consortiums who are interested in using seed funding to scale their projects. Entities from all ASEAN countries are encouraged to apply, and applications can involve partnerships between ASEAN entities. Track 2 is for joint applications between an ASEAN entity (or consortium) and a Singaporean company. For winning proposals, Enterprise Singapore will contribute additional funding for the Singaporean company.
- For track 2, since the fund will be provided by Enterprise Singapore, will companies be able to apply for future funding from Enterprise Singapore? (e.g., a POC and POV grant?)
Yes, companies may apply for future funding with Enterprise Singapore if they submit an application for this grant.
- Can you explain more on the Belt Road Initiative [restrictions]?
Please see the linked resources regarding overviews of the PRC’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI):
– Council on Foreign Relations overview of the BRI
– World Bank overview of the BRI
Per the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 703(c)(3), not funds under the award may be used for any project or activity that directly supports or promotes the Belt and Road initiative or any dual-use infrastructure projects of the People’s Republic of China. - The application requirement said that we need to complete the cage code, but it is asking for IDN. I am not sure what IDN we use for non-U.S. entities, like ours.
- Entities must register themselves in sam.gov to obtain a UEI, as stated in the call for proposal. CAGE is not needed.
- Can we use the fund in Track 1 and Track 2 for research and development? If we apply in Track 2, is there a specific rule for the claim of intellectual property, e.g., which country it is prioritized?
- There is a section in the application where you have to detail the plan for intellectual property. The applicants should be clear on that during the proposal development stage.
- Any other terms or responsibilities tied to accepting the funds?
We require the recipient to submit financial and narrative reports every quarter. The report must be supported by original receipt or certified original receipt and other supporting documents as identified in the SEI Asia Financial Reporting Guideline for Subgrantee and Consultancy Agreement. The recipient must comply with the OMB Guideline (CFR). - Regarding the NICRA– the University of the Philippines doesn’t have NICRA. What we have is a standard 10% for Utilities and another 10% for UP Administrative Support Fund. Is this something you will require of us? If so, in what format should the document be?
We request the recipient to submit an indirect cost rate policy.